Pioneer in production of special industrial greases in Iran

I.P. Grease LC

Lithium-Calcium Mix Grease


This product is a premium multi-purpose grease based on high quality mineral oils and a mixed lithium/calcium soap. It contains Extreme Pressure (EP), anti-wear, anti-oxidation, and anti-corrosion additives to enhance its performance in a well range of applications, offering particularly high level of water resistance and mechanical stability. The mixed lithium-calcium soap makes this grease a more smooth lubricant and best suited for being pumped by central grease distribution systems.


This product is used for lubrication of heavy-duty plain and rolling bearings operating under heavy and shock loads, high temperature, and presence of water. Mostly it is recommended for lubrication of slab casting regiments.

Features & Benefits:

  Outstanding mechanical and oxidation stability

  Superior protection against wear and corrosion

  Extended life at moderate temperatures

   Perfect water wash-out resistance

Technical Data:

This product is delivered in NLGI class 2, but can be produced in other classes per request of costumers. The values shown here are typical of current production figure and may vary within modest range.