I.P. Grease LJ MIX R
High Temperature Multi-Purpose Lithium Grease
This product is a high quality multi-purpose lithium grease with smooth and clear texture. The combination of well-selected base oils and lithium soap provides high mechanical stability, resistance to water, good corrosion protection and high oxidation stability. This grease has a higher dropping point and therefore a much better performance in high temperatures compared to other similar lithium soap greases.
Regarding service conditions and based on requirements this grease can be produced by heavy base oils for use under very high loads and relatively low speeds such as bearings of construction or transportation heavy vehicles.
This product is completely suitable for long-term lubrication of plain and antifriction bearings on electric motors, blowers, rolling mill trains, spindles, journal joints, etc. under normal to increased temperatures. The service temperature range is from – 25 °C to 150 °C. Moreover it is recommended for lubrication of:
Bearings with sealing
Water pump bearings
Bearings of trucks and heavy vehicles
Features & Benefits:
Outstanding mechanical and oxidation stability
Effective performance at high temperatures
Excellent anti-wear, anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation properties
Good water resistance
Excellent stability during long storage periods
Good adhesion to moving surfaces
Technical Data:
This product is delivered in NLGI grade 3 but can be produced in other grades as per request of costumers. The values shown here are typical of current production figure and may vary within modest range.